Reet Varblane, art critic from Estonia wrote: In order to understand Aili Vint’s pure art, one has to have time, a wish to accept and an appropriate mental state. Light art is meditative this way. Clement Greenberg, the patron of pure art, should be happy as there is nothing else disturbing the viewing experience.
1993 -2014
When your eyes dive into the clear light, you clean your eyes from the everyday. Just like a wine taster, who rinses his mouth with water, before tasting a new kind of wine.
where light and shadow meet a glow is born
I create just a simple form of white paper, and then trust it to The Light of God. Where light and shadow meet a glow is born On this Sculpture the Glimmer of Light is so powerful that it makes the form around the white roll of paper glow back from inside and the roll disappears into the light. This glow can even erase the form and create an impression of spacelessness.
Aili Vint SHIMMER OF LIGHT ON PAPER 1995, paberi skulptuur. Osaka skulptuuritriennaalil 1995. aastal
Aili Vint POWER OF COLOUR REFLECTIONS I 1993 wood fibre plate, acryl 200 x 120 cm (The light, reflected on the colour, is glowing from behind. The tilted board is pure white) Was exhibited in Osaka Painting Triennal ‘93
how I became fascinated by the magic glow of white paper
I had just bought three very expensive sheets of snow white paper to make some graphic prints for the Osaka Print Triennial. In my studio, I placed all three rolls of paper on the table, and I noticed that the glow of white paper spread from one roll to another and the paper was singing in its pure white glory. And then it came to me: Such purity cannot be messed up with ink! So it was decided. I made some cuts to the paper and put it back into the roll. There is no reason why graphic art cannot be three-dimensional
Aili Vint MAXIMALLY MINIMAL 1994 3D graphics, papers rools was exhibited in Osaka Graphic Triennal ‘94
AILI VINT: GREEN RAY 1997 paberiskulptuurs.
when the paper sea came to life
During the period when I was building light sculptures, my soul longed to paint the Sea. Suddenly I found myself folding the Sea out of paper.
Aili Vint SCULPTURE OF A SEA II 1999, folded white paper, 110 x 190,5 cm (The work is framed and similar in size to my oil on canvas seascapes)
how the paper-sea was really born
Now I am going to tell you, how the paper sea was really born. One morning in my childhood, when I stepped into our back yard, I saw a snow-white sea that smelled of Grandma’s clean sheets, billowing all over the yard. At that time I was certain the White Sea was white. This is how an illusion of reality is created and The Paper Sea came to life.
Aili Vint PÄIKE LOOJUB JA TÕUSEB KUNSTIHOONES 2014-2015 Aja- ja ruumispetsiifiline valgusinstallatsioon: 3000 x 1400 x 900 cm, Tallinna Kunstihoones
how the meditative light sculpture and with it my first performance spontaneously was born in Tallinn Art Hall
Light Sculpture of Sunset is a piece that was already conceived in my childhood, although it materialized only in 1995, when the renovation of Tallinn Art Hall was completed but all its rooms were still empty. awaiting exhibitions. It is a 3m X 9m expanse of sky where on light itself mixes the colours of the sunset, and so subtly that no artist could equal it.
This performance took place in October 1995, in May, when our northern summer had not yet begun. The event lasted for two days. During the first day people were enjoying the beach and sent off the Sun. The next morning everyone gathered to greet the real sunrise.
see the video from 1995 below: